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Diagnosis of tracheal bronchus in children 
Diagnosis of tracheal bronchus in children
  Yue-Jie Zheng, Ji-Kui Deng, Dao-Zhen Zhang, Yun-Geng Gen
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  Diagnosis of tracheal bronchus in children

Yue-Jie Zheng, Ji-Kui Deng, Dao-Zhen Zhang, Yun-Geng Gen

Shenzhen, China

Author Affiliations: Department of Respiratory Diseases, Shenzhen Children's Hospital, Shenzhen 518026, China (Zheng YJ, Deng JK, Zhang DZ, Gen YG)

Corresponding Author: Yue-Jie Zheng, Shenzhen Children's Hospital, Shenzhen 518026, China (Tel: 86-755-83936199; Fax: 86-755-83936148; Email: yuejiez@sina.com).

Background: Tracheal bronchus is defined as an abnormal bronchus that comes directly off the lateral wall of the trachea above the carina and goes toward the upper-lobe territory. This congenital anomaly may be asymptomatic or present with such symptoms as stridor, cough, wheezing, persistent or recurrent upper-lobe pneumonia, atelectasis or air trapping. This retrospective study was undertaken to summarize the characteristics of tracheal bronchus in children.

Methods: The clinical features of 7 patients with tracheal bronchus were retrospectively analyzed. Of these patients, 2 were initially diagnosed with tracheal bronchus by chest CT and later confirmed bronchoscopically, and 5 by bronchoscopic examination.

Results: Tracheal bronchus was detected in 7 (1.8%) of the 396 patients receiving bronchoscopy. It occurred at the right lateral wall of the trachea in all the 7 patients. Four patients had retained secretions in the tracheal bronchus, which may result in the symptoms of cough, wheezing, and tracheal or bronchial obstruction. Three patients presented with symptoms irrelevant to tracheal bronchus: 1 patient was complicated by laryngomalacia and tetralogy of Fallot, 1 by tracheomalacia, tracheal stenosis and ventricular septal defects, and 1 had mucus plugs in the left lower bronchus.

Conclusion: Tracheal bronchus is a common congenital anomaly in children receiving bronchoscopic examination. More than 50% patients have relevant symptoms. Bronchoscopy is definitely a diagnostic method for tracheal bronchus.

Key words: bronchus; trachea; child; bronchoscopy; abnormality

World J Pediatr 2007;3(4):286-289


Tracheal bronchus refers to an abnormal bronchus that comes directly off the lateral wall of the trachea above the carina and goes toward the upper-lobe territory. This uncommon congenital anomaly may be asymptomatic and demonstrated by chest CT or bronchoscopic examination for other respiratory diseases accidentally. It may cause persistent or recurrent upper-lobe pneumonia, atelectasis or air trapping and intubation complications.[1,2] Therefore, understanding tracheal bronchus is of vital importance in clinical management of patients. In this article we summarized the clinical characteristics of 7 children with tracheal bronchus.


The clinical features of the patients with tracheal bronchus diagnosed bronchoscopically were retro-spectively analyzed. The 7 patients were identified from 396 patients who received rigid or flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopic examination from 2001 to 2006 in Shenzhen Children's Hospital, China. Two patients were initially diagnosed with tracheal bronchus by chest CT, later confirmed bronchoscopically, and 5 patients were diagnosed bronchoscopically. The 7 patients were aged from 4 to 72 months (mean 26 months), and 5 were female and 2 male. All patients presented with symptoms of cough and/or wheezing. Plain chest X-ray showed pneumonia complicated by lower airway obstruction in 2 patients, increased interstitial marking in 4, and right lung hyperinflation in 1. In the 5 patients received chest CT examination, only 2 were diagnosed with tracheal bronchus, 1 with left lung pneumonia complicated by localized hyperinflation, 1 with right bronchus obstruction, and 1 with obstruction at the lower segment of the trachea.


Tracheal bronchus was detected in 7 (1.8%) of the 396 patients receiving bronchoscopy. It occurred at the right side of the trachea in all the 7 patients. Rigid and flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopic image showed anomalous bronchus at the right lateral wall of the trachea above the major carina (Figs. 1, 2). The clinical data of the 7 patients with tracheal bronchus are shown in the Table. Four of the 7 patients (cases 1, 5, 6, 7) had retained secretions in the tracheal bronchus, which was responsible for the symptoms of cough, wheezing, and tracheal or bronchial obstruction. But these symptoms were not attributable to tracheal bronchus in 3 of the 7 patients (cases 2, 3, 4): 1 was complicated by laryngomalacia and tetralogy of Fallot, 1 by tracheomalacia, tracheal stenosis and ventricular septal defects, and 1 had mucus plugs in the left lower bronchus.

Table. Clinical data of the patents with tracheal bronchus



Age (mon)


Chest X-ray

Chest CT





Cough and wheezing

  for 2 days

Pneumonia, suspected lower airway


Lower airway obstruction, tracheal


Tracheal bronchus accompanied

  by retained secretion




Cough and fever for

  1 week

Left lung pneumonia accompanied

  by localized hyperinflation

Left lung pneumonia accompanied

  by localized hyperinflation

Mucus plugs of left lower

  bronchus, tracheal bronchus




Stridor for 8 months,

  cough for 3 days

Increased interstitial marking,




Laryngomalacia, tracheal





Cough and wheezing

  for 3 days

Increased interstitial marking,




Tracheomalacia, tracheal

  stenosis, tracheal bronchus




Cough for 1 week,

  wheezing for 1 day

Increased interstitial marking


Lower tracheal stenosis


Tracheal bronchus accompanied

  by retained secretion




Cough and wheezing

  for 1 day

Right lung hyperinflation


Right bronchus obstruction

Tracheal bronchus accompanied

  by retained secretion




Repeated cough for

  2 months

Increased interstitial marking

Tracheal bronchus

Tracheal bronchus accompanied

  by retained secretion

CHD: congenital heart disease; M: male; F: female.

Fig. 1. Bronchoscopy of tracheal bronchus. LMB: left main bronchus; RMB: right main bronchus; TB: tracheal bronchus.

Fig. 2. CT scan of the same patient. CT section demonstrating a right-upper-lobe bronchus (line) arising from the right lateral wall of the trachea above the carina.


Tracheal bronchus was first described by Sandifort in 1785 as a right upper bronchus originating from the trachea.[1] The term tracheal bronchus denotes a variety of bronchial anomalies arising in the trachea or main bronchus and directed toward the upper-lobe territory. The reported incidence varies from 1% to 3% in pediatric patients.[1-3] In this study, 1.8% of the patients were detected with the disease by bronchoscopy, suggesting that tracheal bronchus is a common congenital anomalies in children. Tracheal bronchus usually occurs at the right lateral wall of the trachea less than 2 cm above the carina and can supply the entire upper lobe or its apical segment, but it also occurs at the left side of the trachea.[1] There are two types of tracheal bronchus, displaced and supernumerary. If the anatomic upper-lobe bronchus or its single branch is missing, the tracheal bronchus is defined as displaced; displaced type may be the entire upper lobe displaced or its apical segment displaced (high apical lobe). If the right upper-lobe bronchus has a normal trifurcation into apical, posterior, and anterior segmental bronchi, the tracheal bronchus is defined as supernumerary. The supernumerary bronchi may end blindly. In that case, they are also called tracheal diverticula. If they end in aerated or bronchiectatic lung tissue, they are termed apical accessory lungs or tracheal lobes. The displaced type of tracheal bronchus is more frequent than the supernumerary type.[1,4,5] Tracheal bronchus may be complicated by other congenital airway anomalies including laryngomalacia, tracheomalacia, tracheal stenosis, infantile lobar emphysema or associated with congenital heart disease, congenital diaphramatic hernia, Down syndrome and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation.[6-11] Patients with tracheal bronchus are usually asymptomatic and diagnosed accidentally by bronchoscopy or chest CT for other respiratory diseases. Recent reports including this study indicate that an increasing number of patients with tracheal bronchus present with wheezing, stridor, cough,[12,13] recurrent episodes of infection, hemoptysis, and malignancies.[14-17] In this study 3 patients showed symptoms irrelevant to tracheal bronchus, and the other 4 patients presented with relevant symptoms. In intubated patients, an endotracheal tube was inserted deeply and the tracheal bronchial orifice was obstructed by the tip of the tube, resulting in atelectasis of the involved lobe or segment, post-obstructive pneumonia.[18-22]

Tracheal bronchus may contribute to perioperative persistent hypoxaemia. Thus, tracheal bronchus should be diagnosed in patients with persistent or recurrent upper-lobe pneumonia, atelectasis or air trapping, foreign body aspiration and chronic bronchitis. According to previous reports, most of bronchial branching anomalies are diagnosed by chest CT, especially by techniques of multiplanar reconstruction, three-dimensional reconstruction and three-dimensional virtual bronchoscopy.[1,23-27] In this study, multiplanar reconstruction was not conventionaly done in chest CT, thus only 2 of the 5 patients who had undergone chest CT were diagnosed. This result suggests that the application of CT techniques and understanding of tracheal bronchus are essential to the diagnosis of this disease. With bronchoscopy, the diagnosis could be established by the ectopic bronchus arising from the trachea above the carina. Bronchoscopy is definitely a diagnostic method for tracheal bronchus.

Treatment of tracheal bronchus is based on the severity of symptoms. Most patients with tracheal bronchus can be treated conservatively, but in patients with persistent or recurrent upper-lobe pneumonia, atelectasis or air trapping, surgical excision of the involved segment is necessary.[28]

Funding: None.

Ethical approval: The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the Shenzhen Children's Hospital, China.

Competing interest: None declared.

Contributors: ZYJ wrote the first draft of this paper. All authors contributed to the intellectual content and approved the final version. ZYJ is the guarantor.


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Received February 12, 2007 Accepted after revision June 25, 2007


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