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Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease (2018 edition) 
Chinese guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of hand, foot and mouth disease (2018 edition)
  Xing-Wang Li, Xin Ni, Su-Yun Qian, Quan Wang, Rong-Meng Jiang, Wen-Bo Xu, Yu-Cai Zhang, Guang-Jun Yu, Qiang Chen, Yun-Xiao Shang, Cheng-Song Zhao, Hui Yu, Ting Zhang, Gang Liu, Hui-Ling Deng, Jie Gao, Xian-Gui Ran, Qiao-Zhi Yang, Bian-Li Xu, Xue-Yong Huang, Xing-Dong Wu, Yi-Xiao Bao, Yi-Ping Chen, Zhi-Hai Chen, Qing-Quan Liu, Guo-Ping Lu, Chun-Feng Liu, Rong-Bing Wang, Guo-Liang Zhang, Fang Gu, Hong-Mei Xu, Ying Li, Tao Yang
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