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Comparison of decision-making in neonatal care between China and Japan 
Comparison of decision-making in neonatal care between China and Japan
  Hidehiko Maruyama, Yuka Shibata, Xing-Ge Xia, Yun-Xia Sun, Shao-Ru He, Yushi Ito
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 3730 Times
Background: Various differences between China and Japan in approaches to medical treatment have been noted, but a few studies have examined differences in medical decision-making, especially in neonatal care. The aim of this study was to clarify these differences by means of a questionnaire.
Methods: The subjects were physicians on the staff of NICUs in China and Japan. The study questionnaire consisted of three parts dealing with the general characteristics of the participants, questions about treatment strategies for hypothetical, critically ill infants, and general questions about the treatment of foreign patients. The Likert scale was used to assess the treatment strategies and the results were analyzed statistically. Subgroup analysis by age, sex, and medical and NICU experience was also performed.
Results: The proportion of respondents in the Chinese and Japanese groups was 26/26 (100%) and 26/31 (84%), respectively. There was a significant difference between the Chinese and Japanese groups for 8 of 75 questions; Chinese physicians chose the positive treatment or examination options for these eight questions unlike their Japanese counterparts. The responses of the younger, less experienced physicians in both countries were more similar to each other, and more positive than those of their older, more experienced colleagues.
Conclusion: Chinese physicians showed a more positive attitude toward examination and treatment, whereas Japanese physicians showed a more cautious attitude.
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