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Fever of unknown origin: a retrospective review of pediatric patients from an urban, tertiary care center in Washington, DC 
Fever of unknown origin: a retrospective review of pediatric patients from an urban, tertiary care center in Washington, DC
  Ann Marie Szymanski, Hugo Clifford, Tova Ronis
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 3408 Times
Background: Fever of unknown origin (FUO) continues to challenge clinicians to determine an etiology and the need for treatment. This study explored the most common etiologies, characteristics, and average cost of hospitalization for FUO in a pediatric population at an urban, tertiary care hospital in Washington, DC.
Methods: Records from patients admitted to Children¡¯s National Health System between September 2008 and April 2014 with an admission ICD-9 code for fever (780.6) were reviewed. The charts of patients 2-18 years of age with no underlying diagnosis and a temperature greater than 38.3 oC for 7 days or more at time of hospitalization were included. Final diagnoses, features of admission, and total hospital charges were abstracted.
Results: 110 patients qualified for this study. The majority of patients (n = 42, 38.2%) were discharged without a diagnosis. This was followed closely by infection, accounting for 37.2% (n = 41) of patients. Rheumatologic disease was next (n = 16, 14.5%), followed by miscellaneous (n = 6, 5.4%) and oncologic diagnoses (n = 5, 4.5%). The average cost of hospitalization was 40,295 US dollars.
Conclusions: This study aligns with some of the most recent publications which report undiagnosed cases as the most common outcome in patients hospitalized with FUO. Understanding that, often no diagnosis is found may reassure patients, families, and clinicians. The cost associated with hospitalization for FUO may cause clinicians to reconsider inpatient admission for diagnostic work-up of fever, particularly given the evidence demonstrating that many patients are discharged without a diagnosis.
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