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Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of monkeypox in children: an experts' consensus statement 
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of monkeypox in children: an experts' consensus statement
  Rong-Meng Jiang, Yue-Jie Zheng, Lei Zhou, Lu-Zhao Feng, Lin Ma, Bao-Ping Xu, Hong-Mei Xu, Wei Liu, Zheng-De Xie, Ji-Kui Deng, Li-Juan Xiong, Wan-Jun Luo, Zhi-Sheng Liu, Sai-Nan Shu, Jian-She Wang, Yi Jiang, Yun-Xiao Shang, Miao Liu, Li-Wei Gao, Zhuang Wei, Guang-Hua Liu, Gang Liu, Wei Xiang, Yu-Xia Cui, Gen Lu, Min Lu, Xiao-Xia Lu, Run-Ming Jin, Yan Bai, Le-Ping Ye, Dong-Chi Zhao, A-Dong Shen, Xiang Ma, Qing-Hua Lu, Feng-Xia Xue, Jian-Bo Shao, Tian-You Wang, Zheng-Yan Zhao, Xing-Wang Li, Yong-Hong Yang, Kun-Ling Shen
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 725 Times
  Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease. Since the first human monkeypox case was detected in 1970, it has been prevalent in some countries in central and western Africa. Since May 2022, monkeypox cases have been reported in more than 96 non-endemic countries and regions worldwide. As of September 14, 2022, there have been more than 58,200 human monkeypox cases, and there is community transmission. The cessation of smallpox vaccination in 1980, which had some cross-protection with monkeypox, resulted in a general lack of immunity to monkeypox, which caused global concern and vigilance. As of September 14, 2022, there are four monkeypox cases in China, including three in Taiwan province and one in Hong Kong city. Previous foreign studies have shown that children are vulnerable to monkeypox and are also at high risk for severe disease or complications. In order to improve pediatricians¡¯ understanding of monkeypox and achieve early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment, and early disposal, we have organized national authoritative experts in pediatric infection, respiratory, dermatology, critical care medicine, infectious diseases, and public health and others to formulate this expert consensus, on the basis of the latest ¡°Clinical management and infection prevention and control for monkeypox¡± released by The World Health Organization, the ¡°guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of monkeypox (version 2022)¡± issued by National Health Commission of the People¡¯s Republic of China and other relevant documents. During the development of this consensus, multidisciplinary experts have repeatedly demonstrated the etiology, epidemiology, transmission, clinical manifestations, laboratory examinations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, discharge criteria, prevention, disposal process, and key points of prevention and control of suspected and confirmed cases.
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