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Monkeypox virus: past and present 
Monkeypox virus: past and present
  Ya-Mei Dou, Hang Yuan, Hou-Wen Tian
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 695 Times
Background: The objective of this paper is to analyze the current status of monkeypox worldwide. In the face of this public health threat, our purpose is to elucidate the clinical characteristics and epidemiology of monkeypox, the developmental progress of monkeypox-related drugs and the vaccines available.
Data sources: The literature review was performed in databases including PubMed, Science Direct and Google Scholar up to July 2022.
Results: Since May 2022, the World Health Organization has reported more than 45,000 confirmed cases from 92 nonendemic countries, including nine deaths. Although some women and children have been infected so far, most cases have occurred among men who have sex with other men, especially those with multiple sexual partners or anonymous sex.
Conclusions: Pediatric monkeypox infection has been associated with a higher likelihood of severe illness and mortality than in adults. Severe monkeypox illness in pediatrics often requires adjunctive antiviral therapy. It is crucial for all countries to establish sound monitoring and testing systems and be prepared with emergency preparedness.
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