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Asthma School Program in children and their parents 
Asthma School Program in children and their parents
  Zorica Živković, Snežana Radić, Sofija Cerović, Zoran Vukašinović
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 10485 Times

Belgrade, Serbia

Author Affiliations: Children's Hospital for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Medical Center "Dr Dragiša Mišović", Belgrade 11000, Serbia (Živković Z, Radić S, Cerović S); Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade, Belgrade 11000, Serbia (Vukašinović Z)

Corresponding Author: Zorica Živkovic, MD, PhD, Children's Hospital for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis, Medical Center "Dr Dragiša Mišović", Jovana Marinovića 4, Belgrade 11000, Serbia (Tel: +381 11 2661887; Fax: +381 11 3066970; Email: zoricazivkovic@yahoo.com)

Background: This study was undertaken to analyze the clinical efficiency of Asthma Education Intervention (AEI, Asthma School) in children and their parents, a program was designed to produce acceptable asthma knowledge and to improve the treatment.

Methods: This study assessed the effectiveness of an educational intervention within 12 months after attending Asthma School. The study was designed as a population based cohort study. The project endorsed by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) Educational Grant was launched in 2004 and finished in 2006, but the Asthma School continued working. Three hundred and two asthmatics recruited during hospital treatment  of acute asthma exacerbation completed the study together with their parents. The intervention group of 231 asthmatics received full Asthma School program. The non-intervention group enrolled 71 asthmatics receiving usual instructions for asthma management. Clinical and educational outcomes were investigated immediately after completion of the program and 12 months later.

Results: Significant achievements were found in the intervention group in asthma knowledge (baseline score 63%, 82% after 12 months, P<0.05), compliance (70% before, 90% after), and inhalation technique (20% before, 70% after). No change was found in the attitude and behavior regarding asthma prognosis in adolescent patients and parents.

Conclusion: This study together with others clearly confirm the effectiveness of educational intervention for childhood asthma.

Key words: asthma; education; follow-up; intervention; self-management

                                                                                                             World J Pediatr 2008;4(4):267-273


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