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Laparoscopic extensive colectomy with transanal Soave 
Laparoscopic extensive colectomy with transanal Soave
  Shao-Tao Tang, Ying Yang, Guo-Bin Wang, Qiang-Song Tong, Yong-Zhong Mao,
 [Abstract] [Full Text] [PDF]   Pageviews: 30187 Times

Background: Open colectomy has been preferred for intestinal neuronal dysplasia type B (IND) due to its low morbidity rate and good functional results. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and results of laparoscopic colectomy with transanal Soave pull-through for the treatment of IND in children.

Methods: Seventeen infants and children suffering from IND were treated by laparoscopic extensive colectomy with transanal Soave pull-through. The diagnosis of IND was made via anorectal manometry, X-ray contrast enema, suction biopsies, and laparoscopic full-thickness biopsies with hematoxylin-eosin staining. The technique used four or five abdominal ports. The sigmoid, transverse, and right colon up to the last ileal cove were mobilized laparoscopically in the extended form of IND. A modified Soave's anastomosis was performed. The patients' data, surgical procedures, operative data, postoperative complications and clinical outcomes were analyzed.

Results: Five patients underwent laparoscopic left colectomy with modified transanal Soave procedures, and the other 12 were treated by laparoscopic subtotal colectomy and required a Deloyers' maneuver for the Soave pull-through. The proximal margin of barium stagnation in patients with left colectomy was restricted to the distal end of the descending colon, sigmoid colon, and that in patients with subtotal colectomy was restricted to the proximal end of the descending colon, transverse colon, hepatic flexure, and ascending colon. Postoperative complications included anastomotic leakage, severe perianal erosions, postoperative enterocolitis, and soiling. During a mean follow-up of 4 years, bowel frequency was 4-10 times per day in 3 months postoperatively in patients with subtotal colectomy. The clinical results were good, with no stool incontinence or constipation.

Conclusions: Laparoscopic procedure for left colectomy and subtotal colectomy with transanal Soave pull-through in infants and children with IND is safe, feasible, and effective. The location of barium stagnation in proximal margin may be used as a method to predict initially the proximal margin of the resected bowel segment.

Key words: intestinal neuronal dysplasia; laparoscopy; subtotal colectomy

                  World J Pediatr 2010;6(1):50-54

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