Pancreatic involvement in pediatric infl ammatory bowel diseases
Sabrina Cardile, Antonino Randazzo, Simona Valenti, Claudio Romano
Messina, Italy
Author Affiliations: Department of Pediatrics, IBD Unit, University of Messina Via Consolare Valeria, Messina 98125, Italy (Cardile S, Randazzo A, Valenti S, Romano C)
Corresponding Author: Claudio Romano, Pediatrics Department, IBD Unit, University of Messina, Via Consolare Valeria, Messina 98125, Italy (Tel: 390902212918, 390902212919; Fax: 390902213788; Email:
doi: 10.1007/s12519-015-0029-z
Background: Infl ammatory bowel diseases (IBDs) are a group of chronic diseases affecting the gastrointestinal tract, with a disabling course. The incidence of IBDs is increasing in different geographical areas, indicating its emergence as a global disease, especially in children. Many patients with IBDs develop extraintestinal manifestations (EIMs) during follow-up, as IBDs have a potential risk of systemic involvement..
Data sources: A systematic review of the literature was made to analyze latest studies on pancreatic involvement in children with IBD including our experience in assessing possible implications and its future application.
Results: The involvement of the hepatobiliary system is considered a rare EIM of children with IBD, with an incidence much higher than that in the general population. Isolated pancreatic hyperenzymemia, which occurs in the absence of typical symptoms and/or characteristic imaging findings, may be found in many patients with IBD. The frequent causes of pancreatitis are drugs, bilio-pancreatic disorders, immunologic disturbances and pancreatic auto-antibodies, although in some cases idiopathic forms have been described.
Conclusions: It is important to establish a correct diagnostic approach based on etiology and to assess the most appropriate therapeutic strategy, thus avoiding complications and improving the quality of life of children with IBD.
World J Pediatr 2015;11(3):207-211
Key words: Crohn's disease; extraintestinal manifestations; inflammatory bowel diseases; pancreatitis; ulcerative colitis